Our internal NDC Seminar Series 5 took place on 28th September 2021.
Dr Samuel Cauvin (Research Fellow, School of Engineering) covered his work on developing an energy industry Data Management Repository using Safe Haven. Sam is supervised by Prof. Richard Neilson, Katie Wilde and Prof. Wamberto Vasconcelos of the University of Aberdeen.
Dr Rebecca Von Hellfeld (Research Fellow, School of Biological Sciences) presented her latest research on risk-based marine impact assessment in the Australian sector. Rebecca is supervised by Dr Astley Hastings of the University of Aberdeen, and Dr Stuart Higgins – Curtin University Oil and Gas Innovation Centre (CUOGIC).
Mr Yasser Hegy (PhD Student, School of Engineering) updated us on his research looking at Decommissioning Management in Subsea Energy Transition and Integration. Yasser is supervised by Prof. Richard Neilson and Dr Marcin Kapitaniak of the University of Aberdeen.
Thank you to our presenters for their great presentations and to the audience for their enthusiastic participation with questions and discussion.
Notes for Editors
Published | Wednesday September 29th, 2021 |