Core Team

  • Professor Richard Neilson
  • Dr Karen McArdle
  • Malcolm Stone
  • Dr Marcin Kapitaniak
  • Dr Sergi Arnau Almirall
  • Catherine Shanks

Professor Richard Neilson

Contact Details

NDC:        +44 (0)1224 274407
Eng.:        +44 (0)1224 272797
Address: The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Richard has 34 years’ experience in engineering research and development within the University sector, with much of his research undertaken in association with industry.  This started with his PhD on the vibration of aircraft engines with Rolls Royce Ltd.   Most of his research has involved the application of design and dynamic analysis to solving engineering problems.  From 1998-2002 he spent four years on part-time industrial secondment to an oil services company and since then much of his research has been in the context of oil and gas, subsea engineering and decommissioning.  He is currently Director of the National Decommissioning Centre, and is leading the Centre’s input to the development of an underwater laser cutting system.

Dr Karen McArdle

Contact Details

NDC:         +44 (0)1224 274403
Mob.:        +44 (0)7741 628523
Address:   The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Karen joined the NDC in April 2019 as Centre Manager.  Prior to this, she was the Manager of the £6.5 million Medical Research Council (MRC) Centre for Medical Mycology and the £5.1 million Wellcome Trust Strategic Award for Medical Mycology and Fungal Immunology at the University of Aberdeen.  Between 2006 and 2011, she was Business Development Officer for Schools of Biological Sciences and Psychology at the University.  Karen has a PhD in Medicine and Therapeutics and completed a Medical Research Scotland research fellowship at the University of Aberdeen from 2004 – 2006.  Following her undergraduate degree, she spent six years working for GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals in several roles, including Team Leader for continuous improvement in the regulatory department at the Irvine UK manufacturing site.

Malcolm Stone

Contact Details

NDC:       +44 (0)7772133472
Address:  The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Malcolm is Business Development Analyst at the NDC.  Malcolm has worked in the oil and gas industry and aerospace industries for more than 15 years. This has been both as a regulator, infield and in technical business development roles.  He has also worked for 12 years within academia, developing projects with industry, project managing to ensure they deliver clear outcomes and deliverables, both at research and commercial stages. He joined the NDC from the Oil and Gas Authority where he was Technology Manager and his role focused on the regulatory processes, technology mapping and operator stewardship audits.

Dr Marcin Kapitaniak

Contact Details

NDC:     +44(0)797591482
Address: The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Marcin is Simulator Technical Manager at the NDC.  He is a PDRA with 9 years academic research experience in applied engineering, particularly in nonlinear dynamics modelling and the field of Finite Element (FE) Modelling. Marcin supervises the operation of the NDC’s state-of-the-art Marine Simulator developed by Offshore Simulation Centre (OSC), Norway. Marcin has been involved in applied research in close collaboration with companies from the energy sector (Welltec, Varel International, RotoJar, READ Cased Hole, VBPR, Halliburton) through 11 research projects.

Dr Sergi Arnau Almirall

Contact Details

NDC:         +44 (0)7990441658
Address:   The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Sergi is Project Delivery Manager at the NDC. He has a background in mechanical engineering. He further developed his skills in engineering and research during his PhD at Aberdeen University in the field of geotechnics and soil mechanics. He was a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) associate in 2016, a two-year project in the context of oil and gas, subsea engineering and decommissioning.  He has four years of managerial experience in the manufacturing and machining sector.

Catherine Shanks

 Contact Details

Telephone:        +447391416631
Address:   The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Catherine is the dedicated Marketing and Communications Officer for the NDC. She joined the NDC in April 2023 from the University of Aberdeen’s Communications Team. Prior to that she worked in administration at the School of Psychology and in fundraising in Development and Alumni Relations. Before joining the University of Aberdeen in 2019 Catherine was a Communications Officer for Police Scotland for six years. An alumna of the University of Aberdeen Catherine trained as a journalist with Aberdeen Journals and has worked as a print and online reporter.


  • David Cameron, Programme Manager Industry Collaboration & New Projects


Post Doc Researchers Team

  • Dr Samuel Cauvin
  • Dr Kate Gormley
  • Dr Keith Jackson
  • Dr Alethea Madgett
  • Dr Lawrence B. Wilcox
  • Dr Alicia Terrero Gonzalez
  • Dr Michael Olatunde

Dr Samuel Cauvin

Contact Details

NDC:         +44 (0)1224 274410
Address:   The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Samuel is a Research Fellow at the NDC working on simulator-based projects, and previously worked with the NDC on the design of a secure data repository for decommissioning data. His background is in computing and data, having completed both an MSci in computing science and a PhD on regulating distributed data exchange without a centralised authority with the University of Aberdeen.

Dr Kate Gormley

Contact Details

NDC:        +44 (0)1224 274410
Address:  The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Kate is an experienced multidisciplinary research fellow with a research and industry background in marine spatial planning; scenario planning; cumulative and environmental impact assessments; industry stakeholder engagement (primarily offshore energy and shipping); automated image analysis; Arctic research, data and spatial analysis. Kate is currently working on the Data for Net Zero (D4NZ) project at the NDC.

Externally, Kate is a member of several interdisciplinary industry and governmental working groups, including the Society of Underwater Technology’s Decommissioning and Wreck Removal Committee, the UK Government’s Productive Seas Evidence group and the Blue Economy Cluster Builder Focus Group on Circular Economy model for decommissioning for marine biomass.

Dr Keith Jackson

Contact Details

NDC:         +44 (0)1224 274410
Address:   The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Dr Alethea Madgett

Contact Details

Address:  The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Alethea is a Research Fellow at the NDC working with stakeholders to develop a better understanding of the environmental effects of decommissioning within a multidisciplinary framework. She was previously an environmental consultant and has 5 years of experience in marine ecotoxicological research; studying the ecosystem dynamics and bioaccumulation of organic and inorganic contaminants in the marine food web.

Dr Lawrence B Wilcox

Contact Details

NDC:        +44 (0)1224 274410
Address:  The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Dr Lawrence B. Wilcox is an experienced engineer and research scientist in the fields of mechanical engineering, petroleum engineering and offshore engineering, with 15+ years of experience in academia and industry. Dr Wilcox holds a PhD in petroleum engineering with an MSc in petroleum and gas engineering, and a BEng in mechanical engineering. His areas of expertise are computational geomechanics, reservoir engineering, structural geology, rock mechanics, and offshore well integrity.

He has worked and lived in Canada, Netherlands, England, USA, Nigeria and currently resides in Scotland where he works as a Research Fellow at the National Decommissioning Centre – conducting research in offshore energy decarbonisation, infrastructure re-use, repurposing and energy transition on the Data for Net Zero (D4NZ) project. He works with a team of researchers to develop tools for quantifying and reducing the emissions associated with decommissioning of offshore energy assets and the possibility to re-use and re-purpose existing infrastructure.

Dr Alicia Terrero Gonzalez

Contact details

Telephone:   +44 (0)1224 274410
Address:  National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Alicia is a Research Fellow at the NDC, specializing in marine simulation and renewable energy technologies. Her primary focus is modelling wind and wave technologies using the state-of-art Marine Simulator, engaging in collaborative projects between academia and industry. She has over 4 years of experience in energy and applied engineering research, particularly in nonlinear dynamics modelling and marine energy harvesting. Her background lies in nonlinear mechanical engineering. She completed a joint PhD with Curtin and Aberdeen University and has an MSc in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Aberdeen.

Dr Michael Olatunde

Contact details

Telephone:   +44 (0)1224 274410
Address:  National Decommissioning Centre, North Building

Michael is an experienced engineer and research fellow in Marine Simulation and Modelling. His research is focused on the collaborative development of new and innovative models of offshore renewable energy technologies and the optimisation of decommissioning activities by using the NDC’s state-of-the-art Marine Simulator. His PhD research focused on the longevity and fate of left-in-place offshore pipelines. Michael is a civil engineer by background and has an MSc in offshore engineering. He has over 15 years of industry experience across the telecommunications and energy industries and has successfully managed several facility information management and design verification projects with leading energy companies including ExxonMobil, Chevron and Shell. During his spare time he loves to create abstract arts and is a programming/automation and controls hobbyist.

Technical Team

  • John Polanski
  • Neil Gregge

John Polanski

Contact Details

NDC:         +44 (0)1224 274415
Address:   The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, South Building

John is Electronics Research Technician at the NDC.  He has a HD in Applied Physics with Electronics and previous experience includes UKAEA, Marine Laboratory and Teleco Oilfield Services till being employed by the University of Aberdeen in 1987 in the Department of Engineering then MATSS.  As Electronics/Laser technician within the Laser Research Group he gained extensive laser/optics and CO2 laser welding experience.  His main role at the NDC is production, maintenance and repair of electronic and scientific equipment but his responsibilities also include H&S inspections, testing, certification and documentation.

Neil Gregge

Contact Details

NDC:         +44 (0)1224 274406
Address:   The University of Aberdeen, National Decommissioning Centre, South Building

Neil is Test Technician at the NDC.   The NDC contains engineering laboratories and hangar space for the design and construction of underwater technology and a suite of environmental commercial testing facilities for which Neil is the first contact.