Involvement from companies in oil and gas, renewables, nuclear and other sectors is critical to the NDC’s success. We are seeking industry partners with experience, ideas and equipment, who want to co-invest to deliver a step change in performance, with support from the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) , the Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and Decommissioning (OPRED) and the Health & Safety Executive.

There are a number of ways to get involved:

An Anchor Partnership requires a financial investment and a three to five-year commitment which secures a seat on the NDC Partner Group.  You will also be given an office for two or three people within the NDC and direct access to the research team and NDC facilities. This provides direct oversight of the research programme and the ability to drive the focus of the R&D programme. It also offers an additional network opportunity across the NZTC’s activities to provide oversight on new technology developments.

A Research Partnership, which requires a minimum two-year commitment, assures direct involvement in R&D projects. As a Research Partner you will be delivering R&D activity in the decommissioning arena in collaboration with the NDC, sharing capabilities, experience and personnel. You will have access to the NDC and NZTC network of industry and supply chain organisations and the opportunity to submit collective funding requests.

A Project Partnership requires a project specific commitment. As a Project Partner you will support a specific project, with access to personnel and facilities associated with the project together with the opportunity to network across the wider NDC activities.

Contact Us to find out more.